Friday, June 29, 2012

Even more calendar stuff!!!

I said yesterday that I would be posting some more calendar stuff.....and here we go!

*Hundreds Chart- we can use this to cover numbers, highlight patterns and show how you can use a 100s chart with addition or subtraction. This is one of the tools my kiddos REALLY get to rely on and pick up quickly.

*Cut up hundreds chart and place value- While my little darlings usually pick up the patterns on the hundreds chart, can fill it in either in order or out of order, it NEVER ceases to amaze me how when they are given a 'cut up' hundreds chart, it blows their mind on how to fill it out. While researching what other teachers do with their 'calendar' time, I came across this idea and thought, " THIS should help them out with that skill!"....I used it last year, and boy did it help them out!  We also do a lot of place value by building the number with units and rods and putting in a place value frame.

Well, that's about it for my calendar routine. Is anyone else doing anything different with their calendar routine?? I'm always open to changes or additions!

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